Condolences for Kevin Fruechte

Cynthia and family, I just heard of Kevin's passing from a fried who worked in the weigh-bar room. I am so sorry for the loss of your husband. Loosing a spouse is so very difficult, words cannot express what you have been through and what you will continue to deal with. Everyone deals with grief differently, it is ok to cry your eyes out. I'm sure everyday things will bring memories of Kevin to you mind and you will miss him. Even though this separation is a temporary thing, life without Kevin here and now is so difficult. My thoughts and prayers are with you, I know it is so very difficult. Like other's who knew him at Weigh-Tronix, he was a talented, engineer who was respected by all those who knew him. What a great loss to all who knew and loved him. Mike
From Michael W. Lundgreen

You will be greatly missed sweet cousin. Prayers and love from the Bob Knutson Family
From Tracy Brown

My sympathies to you all. Kevin is gone much too soon. I hope your cherished memories of him give you some comfort during this time. Sincerely, Arlene and Roger
From Arlene (Thimmesch) Holland

Dear ?C?ynthia and family, I am so sorry to hear about the passing of ?K?evin. I remember him fondly from our time together at UW-Madison?, and seeing him at Central High reunions. He was ?such a good person, a great friend and roommate, and I will always cherish the memories. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time. With deepest sympathy, ?W?ill Ferguson
From Will Ferguson

So sorry and saddened to hear of Kevin's passing. Many treasured memories of our Central football days. Kevin's character, integrity and work ethic allowed him to excel as our team's quarterback. Kevin was an amazing friend, always caring, understanding and respectful in every way. My sincere condolences to Kevin's family Rest in peace my dear friend!
From Greg Voss

We had lots of good memories with you guys over the years watching your kids grow up my best involved football of course Kevin was the best quarterback the turkey bowl ever saw. I’m sure he’s having fun in heaven. our sympathies to you and your loss.
From John and Deb Oothoudt

So sorry to hear about Kevin. I worked with Kevin at Avery Weigh-Tronix for many years. When I first met him, he was not married and when he met the love of his life, he was overjoyed. He was a very excellent engineer and always did great things in his work.
From Thomas H Johnson

Very sorry for your loss, it is very sad news indeed. May God send you his strength and comfort during this very difficult time. Kevin is home with his Lord, where he and all of us hope to be, but those who knew him that are still on earth will miss him and grieve. When I first moved to LaCrosse in the middle of 5th grade, Kevin was the first friend I made at Hintgen elementary school. He helped a shy and scared kid acclimate quickly. We bonded over football and set numerous passing and receiving records during recess. Our friendship was interrupted as we attended different middle schools. We reunited at Central high school on the sophomore football team. Two a day practices in the summer heat and a trip to A&W for a quart of root beer after practice rekindled our earlier friendship. Over the next three years we created many memories on the football field and became close off of the field. Those memories are some of the best of my life. Today my hands seem to have lots of aches and pains, no doubt from the thousands of times I caught a football thrown by Kevin. We will all grieve his loss, but at the same time feel very blessed for the times spent with Kevin and the memories. Regrettably, we did not do a great job of keeping in touch after college, but those times we did talk on FB, he was still the kind, compassionate, humble and gracious person that I knew from days past. God Bless you and grant his peace.
From Don Winslow

I was saddened to hear about Kevin's untimely passing. A large part of my career is built on what Kevin taught me in our time working together at Weigh-Tronix. He had a profound effect on many here, and his name is still occasionally brought up when discussing why things are done a certain way. My condolences to Kevin's family.
From Cory Hainy

Our condolence to Kevin's family.
From Vernon and Naom Fruechte

Thoughts and prayers to family and friends. My sister Judy Schaller was married to his mother Lois brother Ray. I am so sorry. Lynette(Schaller) Neumann.
From Lynette Neumann

This breaks my heart to hear of Kevin's passing. He was one of my best friends in high school. We ran together during the winters preparing for the upcoming spring track season. All the good attributes a person can possess Kevin had. He was kind and intelligent and on and on. Kevin will be greatly missed. I'm sorry I didn't get to see him more often after high school.
From Jeff Sparks

We share many memories of Kevin as a young husband and father. He was always putting the Lord first in all he did and that is a wonderful legacy for your family. We will pray for you as navigate this earth without him yet keeping in mind his many special ways are still a part of you. Heaven grows sweeter for you with him there. Love in Christ, Greg and Mary
From Greg and Mary Abel

I am so sorry to hear of Kevin's passing. This has taken me by surprise and it is so sad. My sympathies to his family. Kevin and I go way back and had kept in touch. I will always remember him at a Redeemer Lutheran Church in confirmation and Sunday school. And his dad worked with my husband Joel so we saw them at some work events. Kevin was one of the nicest people in the whole world. So sorry for his passing and your loss. Love, Roxanne
From Roxanne Guberud

Our sympathy to the family of Kevin Fruechte
From Lawrence & Judy Fruechte